
An online learning platform designed for Grade 4 to masters level students.

Convertible Note   ZM EdTech Seed
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13% of the goal raised




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  • Funding: Raised pre-seed funding to fuel early-stage growth and development
  • User Growth: Our user base has grown by 120% in the past year, reaching 2,650 active users
  • Engagement Metrics: On average, our users spend 25 hours per week engaging with our educational content, demonstrating strong interest and utilization
  • Retention Rates: Our platform boasts a 90% user retention rate, indicating high satisfaction and ongoing value for our users
  • Revenue Growth: Our revenue has increased by 300% year-over-year, with $62,000.00 in sales in the last two quarters alone
  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): We've reduced our CAC by 50% through targeted marketing campaigns and strategic partnerships, ensuring cost-effective user acquisition
  • Partnerships and Collaborations: We've partnered with 3 leading educational institutions to integrate our platform into their curriculum, expanding our reach to over 50,000 students
  • Feedback and Testimonials: Over 90% of our users report improved learning outcomes and satisfaction with our platform, as evidenced by testimonials and reviews
  • Market Penetration: We've captured 15% of the In-service education market in our target region, with plans to expand nationally within the next year
  • Finalist in the Growth Hacking Accelerator Program - a 5-6 months, Make-IT in Africa Program supported by GIZ.

Convertible Note
Financial Instrument

Minimum investment

Valuation cap

July 28th, 2024


Centre4eLearning is an EdTech company that built and manages an Online learning platform for lifelong learning from Grade 4 to Masters level. At our business, we specialize in digital technology and eLearning solutions, offering affordable and flexible online courses. We firmly believe in the power of education and the transformative impact it can have on individuals and communities. That's why we have dedicated efforts to create knowledge centres and self-learning spaces that go beyond traditional classroom settings. Our courses are designed to be accessible and convenient, enabling learners to enhance their skills and knowledge at their own pace. With the advancements in digital technology, we have the opportunity to reach out to a wider audience and provide them with the resources they need to thrive in an increasingly digital world.

Our duty has always been to help everyone get the education - and financial barriers were not going to get in our way!

The current landscape of tertiary education presents numerous challenges that disproportionately affect individuals from low-income backgrounds. High tuition fees, limited spaces due to inadequate infrastructure, and unequal access to education based on socioeconomic status perpetuate educational inequality and hinder social mobility. Traditional brick-and-mortar institutions struggle to accommodate the growing demand for tertiary education, resulting in exorbitant tuition fees and fierce competition for limited spots.

Many families struggle to afford the costs associated with higher education, forcing talented individuals to forego their dreams due to financial constraints. This perpetuates cycles of poverty and limits social mobility. Without adequate support and investment in accessible education pathways, countless promising students from low-income backgrounds are denied the opportunity to pursue tertiary education and fulfil their potential.

In this context, Centre4eLearning's online learning provision emerges as a transformative solution poised to address these pressing challenges. By leveraging digital platforms and technology, our online learning offers a flexible and accessible alternative to traditional classroom-based education. Firstly, it significantly reduces the financial burden associated with tertiary education by eliminating the need for expensive infrastructure and overhead costs. This makes education more affordable and inclusive, especially for individuals from low-income backgrounds who may otherwise be unable to afford traditional tuition fees.

Moreover, online learning transcends physical constraints, enabling institutions to accommodate a larger student population without being bound by limited classroom space. This scalability expands access to tertiary education, ensuring that more aspiring learners have the opportunity to pursue higher education and unlock their full potential. Additionally, online learning promotes equity by democratizing access to educational resources and opportunities, regardless of socioeconomic status. Through innovative pedagogical approaches and interactive digital tools, it caters to diverse learning needs and preferences, fostering a more inclusive learning environment where every student can thrive.

Overall, online learning provision represents a vital step towards democratizing tertiary education, breaking down barriers to access, and creating a more equitable and inclusive educational landscape for all.

1. Semester-based Registration and Examination Fees: We implement a semester-based registration model where students pay registration fees at the beginning of each semester to access our educational services and resources. Additionally, examination fees are collected from students who opt to take proctored exams or assessments through our platform. This fee structure ensures sustainable revenue generation throughout the academic year.

2. Direct Sales of Student Cards: We offer student Identity cards that provide access to various resources and benefits within our EdTech ecosystem such as district Knowledge Centres and Self-learning Spaces. These ID cards may include perks such as discounts on educational materials, access to exclusive events, and personalized learning tools. Revenue is generated through the sale of these cards to enrolled students.

3. Branded Apparel: We offer branded apparel, such as t-shirts, hoodies, and caps, featuring our Company logo and slogan. These items serve as promotional merchandise and contribute to building brand awareness among students and the wider community. Revenue is generated through the sale of branded apparel through our online store or at physical locations.

4. Exercise Books: We provide high-quality exercise books tailored to specific subjects or courses, offering students a convenient and organized way to take notes and complete assignments. Revenue is generated through the sale of exercise books directly to students at competitive prices.

5. Equipment Sales: We offer a range of educational equipment, including laptops and tablets, to support in-service students' learning needs. These devices are essential for accessing digital learning materials and participating in online courses. Revenue is generated through the sale of laptops and tablets to in-service students at discounted rates, leveraging partnerships with technology suppliers.


1. Prototype Development: Successfully developed a functional prototype of the product/service showcasing its feasibility and potential.

2. Pilot Testing: Conducted pilot testing or beta trials with real users, gathering valuable feedback for product refinement.

3. Initial Revenue Generation: Secured paying customers or clients, demonstrating market demand and revenue-generating potential.

4. Funding: Raised pre-seed funding to fuel early-stage growth and development.

1. User Growth: Our user base has grown by 120% in the past year, reaching 2,650 active users.

2. Engagement Metrics: On average, our users spend 25 hours per week engaging with our educational content, demonstrating strong interest and utilization.

3. Retention Rates: Our platform boasts a 90% user retention rate, indicating high satisfaction and ongoing value for our users.

4. Revenue Growth: Our revenue has increased by 300% year-over-year, with $62,000.00 in sales in the last two quarters alone.

5. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): We've reduced our CAC by 50% through targeted marketing campaigns and strategic partnerships, ensuring cost-effective user acquisition.

6. Partnerships and Collaborations: We've partnered with 3 leading educational institutions to integrate our platform into their curriculum, expanding our reach to over 50,000 students.

7. Feedback and Testimonials: Over 90% of our users report improved learning outcomes and satisfaction with our platform, as evidenced by testimonials and reviews.

8. Market Penetration: We've captured 15% of the In-service education market in our target region, with plans to expand nationally within the next year.

1. Pilot Program: Conduct a successful pilot program with educational institutions, demonstrating the viability and effectiveness of our product/service in real-world settings.

2. Customer Acquisition: Secure paying customers, showcasing early market traction and validation of product-market fit.

3. Seed Funding: Raise significant seed funding from reputable investors, providing initial capital for product development and market expansion.

4. Product Launch: Launch our EdTech solution to the market, generating buzz and excitement among educators, students, and stakeholders.

5. User Growth: Achieve rapid user growth, with a substantial increase in active users and engagement on our platform.

6. Revenue Milestones: Hit key revenue milestones such as reaching $10 million in bi-annual recurring revenue (ARR) or achieving profitability.

7. Partnerships and Collaborations: Form strategic partnerships with leading educational institutions, publishers, or technology companies to enhance our product offering and market reach.

8. Product Enhancements: Continuously improve and iterate upon our platform based on user feedback and market insights, ensuring ongoing innovation and relevance.

9. Expansion Plans: Outline clear expansion plans, including geographic expansion, product diversification, or entry into new market segments, showcasing our vision for long-term growth and scalability.

With the support of our investors, we will strategically allocate funds to propel the growth and expansion of our EdTech business, focusing on key areas of development and innovation. The investment will be utilized as follows:

1. Product Development and Enhancement: A significant portion of the funds will be allocated towards further developing and enhancing our digital learning platform. This includes investing in technology infrastructure, software development, and user experience improvements to ensure our platform remains cutting-edge and user-friendly.

2. Content Creation and Curriculum Expansion: We will invest in creating high-quality educational content across various subjects and grade levels. This includes developing interactive multimedia lessons, assessments, and learning materials tailored to meet the diverse needs of our student base. Additionally, we will expand our curriculum offerings to cover a wider range of topics and disciplines, ensuring comprehensive coverage of educational standards.

3. Marketing and User Acquisition: To fuel user growth and increase market penetration, we will allocate funds towards marketing and user acquisition initiatives. This includes digital marketing campaigns, social media advertising, and strategic partnerships to raise awareness of our platform and attract new users.

4. Customer Support and Success: We are committed to providing exceptional customer support and ensuring the success of our users. Funds will be allocated towards building a dedicated customer support team, implementing robust user feedback mechanisms, and enhancing the overall user experience to drive retention and satisfaction.

5. Infrastructure and Operations: We will invest in scaling our operational infrastructure to support the growing demands of our business. This includes expanding server capacity, improving scalability and reliability, and implementing robust data security measures to safeguard user information.

6. Team Expansion and Talent Acquisition: As we continue to grow, we recognize the importance of building a talented and diverse team to drive our vision forward. Funds will be allocated towards hiring top-tier talent across various functions including product development, marketing, sales, and customer support.

7. Research and Development: Innovation is at the core of our business. We will allocate funds towards research and development initiatives to explore emerging technologies, pedagogical methodologies, and market trends. This includes investing in pilot programs, conducting user research, and exploring potential partnerships to stay at the forefront of EdTech innovation.

In summary, the funds raised from our investors will be instrumental in fueling the growth, innovation, and success of our EdTech business. We are committed to maximizing the impact of these funds to deliver unparalleled value to our users and stakeholders while driving sustainable growth and long-term success.



Esnart Mtonga
Chief Financial Officer/Co-Founder

Our invaluable team member with a unique blend of expertise in accounts, business studies, and education. With a hands-on approach to coordination, Esnart brings proficiency in accounting systems growth, fiscal management, and financial reporting to the table. As a seasoned professional, Esnart has a demonstrated record of developing and implementing financial and operational controls that not only improve P&L setup but also competitively position the firm for success. With a keen eye for detail, Esnart specializes in auditing and compliance, ensuring that all financial processes adhere to industry regulations and standards. With Esnart on board, you can trust that our team is equipped with the financial expertise and strategic insight needed to navigate the complexities of today's business landscape and drive sustainable growth.

Dickson Mwanza
Chief Operations Officer

Two-time Master's graduate in Business Administration with a focus on Human Resources Management and in Theology, combining the art of management with the wisdom of theology to shape transformative educational experiences. As an educationist with a keen interest in curriculum development, He thrives in blending innovative management principles with pedagogical strategies to create impactful learning environments. His expertise lies in infusing curriculum with leadership principles, empowering the next generation of leaders. Currently, he is on an exciting journey to enhance his proficiency in Information Technology, recognizing its pivotal role in modern education. Eager to leverage emerging technologies to revolutionize learning experiences and streamline educational processes.

Kilby Lungu
Centre Director/Co-Founder

A passionate advocate for leveraging technology to transform education. With a background in curriculum development and education, He has dedicated his career to bridging the gap between traditional teaching methodologies and innovative digital solutions. Currently pursuing a Master of Science in ICT, he is committed to deepening his understanding of information systems and their impact on learning outcomes. Throughout his journey, he has spearheaded numerous curriculum development projects, harnessing the power of technology to enhance learning experiences and empower educators. His expertise lies in designing interactive and engaging educational content that caters to diverse learning styles and fosters critical thinking skills. As an investor, you can count on me to bring a unique blend of educational expertise and technological acumen to the table. Together, let's revolutionize the future of education and empower the next generation of learners.

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